Thursday, December 20, 2012

Final Free Choice Blog :(

     In the chapter, the man explains to Eddie how he was killed. He explains a 'little Eddie' playing with his brother one day when Eddie was eight. Eddie ran into the street and a car swiftly turned the other way. Causing the car to crash, and the man inside to die. The man said he is happy now, and it was meant to happen. Eddie accepts this, and the man disappears. Leaving Eddie to meet the second person in heaven.
     The story is getting so much better. I'm starting to understand the words in the passage, and everything is starting to make sense. I'm interested to see who the next person is that Eddie will meet.
     In the story, the author was describing Eddie's surroundings, (setting hints.) when he left the Ruby Pier. He also described Eddie as an eight year old boy. (Descriptive hint.) Also, when he changed his environment he was comparing the differences, and similarities of where he was.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Chapter 3

     The story continues with Eddie standing in the amusement park with the man. The man claims to be a childhood friend, "I was sent here for a reason" the man said. Eddie cannot speak, but the man can hear Eddie's thoughts. He asks if this is what heaven is like, and the man explains that there are different levels, he is on level two, and Eddie is currently on level one. Eddie asks the man how he ended up ... dead, and the man responds "You killed me."
     I was shocked by the ending of the chapter. Eddie killed the man? What! It was a pretty deep chapter. I want to learn more about this man, and how he got killed.
     The author's intent was to explain to Eddie why he's where he is. There was more than one tone. But the two main tones in the passage were depressing, and confusion. The passage also showed a spatial pattern.