Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Kind of Reader Are You?

     In lesson three I took a quiz called, "what kind of reader are you?" I was not happy with my results. The results stated I enjoyed non-fiction novels because "I like to read information that is based on reality." Although that is true, non-fiction is not my favorite genre. I love reading books that I can relate to, or books about teens my age. In other words, realistic fiction is one of my favorite genres.
     The last thing I read that I enjoyed was Burned, by Ellen Hopkins. It's the story of a teenage girl, living in a religious, yet abusive family. It shows all the romance, drama, and struggles that Pattyn Stratten endured. I was literally infatuated by this book's story line. But, other things did interest me about the novel. Primarily, the book's writing style. It's hard to explain, but each page is an individual poem, with an individual story, that ties in with the essence of the whole story. It took me a whole day to finish this 532 paged book. That right there is dedication.